
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding COVID-19. Continue reading for our comprehensive guide, answering your most common questions about the COVID-19 virus and vaccine.

Pfizer Vaccine Update: As of May 12, 2021, the CDC has approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 years and older. Learn more from the CDC here.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: As of April 25, 2021, the CDC and FDA recommend use of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine resume in the United States, after a temporary pause. Learn more from the CDC here.

Fully Vaccinated Patients: If it’s been more than two weeks since you’ve completed your COVID-19 vaccine (including second doses for Pfizer and Moderna), please review CDC guidelines for what you can do when you’ve been fully vaccinated.

For the Latest Updates: Please visit our Patient Advisory page for the latest information on COVID-19.

Common COVID-19 Questions

Common Pre-Vaccine COVID-19 Questions

Common Post-Vaccine COVID-19 Questions

Common Vaccine Allergy Questions

Southwest Orlando Family Medicine understands that patients have questions regarding precautions based on pre-existing health conditions when receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. We’ve put together the following links to help inform you on the latest vaccine guidance. As of 12/30/2020, the following allergy guidance is recommended when administering COVID-19 Vaccines:

  1. Seizure disorders are not a concern to receiving the vaccine (source)
  2. Anticoagulant medications (including Warfarin, Eliquis, etc.) are not a concern to receiving the vaccine (source)
  3. Septra or Penicillin allergies are not a concern to receiving the vaccine (sourcesource)
  4. Guillain Barre History is not a concern to receiving the vaccine (source)
  5. Bell Palsy is not a concern to receiving the vaccine but should be cautiously observed for side-effect risk
  6. Pregnant woman are recommended to receive the vaccine (source)
  7. Lactating mothers can receive the vaccine

For those with severe allergies to vaccines historically or severe food-based allergies, additional time is recommended in order for your vaccine administrator to observe you for any reaction risks. While current COVID-19 Vaccines do not contain eggs, gelatin, latex, or preservatives, additional allergy concerns are addressed by the Allergy & Asthma Network. If the facility providing the vaccine can provide anaphylaxis response, it is appropriate to directly observe post-vaccine injection 30-45 minutes minimum for any latent reactions. If the facility cannot provide direct observation, the vaccine should not be administered.

Additional COVID-19 Resources

Want to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines? For information on vaccine availability, please visit our COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory. For more information on COVID-19 vaccine safety, eligibility, benefits, and side effects, please visit our COVID-19 Vaccine Blog. We will continue to update our resources on COVID-19 as we get more information. Thank you for entrusting Southwest Orlando Family Medicine with keeping you and your loved ones healthy.

Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to replace your individual medical advice. Please review this information with your clinical team to ensure it is appropriate for your individual medical needs. The information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.