April 2021 Broadcast
Beginning Monday, April 5th, all Florida residents will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Please note that age restrictions (16+ or 18+) may vary by vaccine type. For comprehensive resources on vaccine scheduling opportunities in Central Florida, please visit our Patient Advisory page.
As Spring begins, it’s a good time to take a breath, reflect on the past year, and set goals to grow and revitalize ourselves. We know that many of our patients, friends and family have experienced difficult times due to the pandemic. This month, we want to share with you the opportunity to focus on hope, mindfulness, and positivity. We encourage you to take a few minutes to read our latest blog on Pandemic Mindfulness and visit our collection of Reflections.
Southwest Orlando Family Medicine endorses all eligible patients to receive any COVID-19 vaccine version currently available. Learn more about the vaccine by visiting our COVID-19 Vaccine Blog and COVID-19 FAQ Blog.
Thank you for entrusting us with keeping you and your loved ones healthy and safe.
Additional Patient Resources
Pandemic Mindfulness: Learn the importance of reflecting, resting and relaxing.
COVID-19 Vaccine Blog: Learn about vaccine safety, eligibility, benefits and more.
COVID-19 FAQ Blog: We answer your common questions about the virus and vaccines.
Do Masks Really Work: Our comprehensive resource guide on mask use.
Self-Pay Membership Page: Are you or a loved one in need of healthcare and currently uninsured? Learn about affordable and easy access to quality healthcare for patients without insurance.